Monday, January 16, 2006

Pride and Prejudice... Revisited.

1 Sm 15:16-23 - Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 - Mk 2:18-22

Today's readings are all about blindness. What was Saul's crime really? He presumed to know better then God. He chose to do as he felt best not as God commanded. The pharisees treated Christ in much the same way. They presumed to know what God wanted from the situation, citing as did Saul, tradition and law before God's will.

How often do we find ourselves in the same situation though? Advising someone with the desires of our hearts? Urging someone to do something because it's what we want? This is no different, and whose voice is at the center of it?

There is a voice that speaks to us and tells us how to use law and tradition for our own gains, and it does not come from the Lord. This is the voice that tells us it is ok to bend a law in our favor because we are righteous, but when someone we dislike bends the same law we are first to call them on it. Most of us don't even realze we do it, that is how deep the voice speaks to us.

Again I say to anyone reading this, if you think yourselves above the darker characters in the Gospel stories then you have little understanding of what Christ teaches. No one in these stories was evil at heart. I feel deeply that each man or woman was striving to do good, but simply had been driven inwards by the opposing side. God draws us out, and the opposing force draws us in. God calls us to consider others first and the other side calls us to consider ourselves first.

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