Monday, January 30, 2006

God, the Absolute

2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13 - Ps 3:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 - Mk 5:1-20

The readings today interest me greatly. In one case you have David, one of God's chosen who fell into sin, forgiven by God was spared. David's punishment, which God forsaw, came at the hands of people who could not forgive. Then you have another example of the demon(s) Legion who entreated Christ for mercy and was shown mercy. God is merciful even unto those who hate and dispise him, who utterly work against him.
It is the heart of the human world which causes the suffering and retribution. It is the heart of humankind that laughs at the misfortune of another saying: "You who were sinful have reaped what you have sown." Yet, when they fall on hard times it is the devil or his minions at work to torment them because the eye of the enemy sees their righteousness.
So I ask when the psalmist writes: "O Lord, rise up and save me!" from whom, really, is he asking to be saved?

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