Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Focus and Fear

Do we make it to God and Heaven because of the things we do?
Or might we make it there in spite of all that we do because God is merciful?

What can one do in this world that will win heaven?
What finite act or finite number of finite acts can win an infinite Heaven?

The good book reads all is vainity, and it is true.
What can one man do, accept what he allows God to do through him?
If it is God working through him then how can anyone boast of a good work that he has done?

How can any man set himself up as better then another or more holy then another?

We are not dispicable, or filthy... we were made by God.

We are not without value... we were made by God.

We simply lack any comprehensive ability of Him...
...we believe in our secret hearts that we are really in control
...and if we believe in God in any degree...
...we believe that we control God...
...like a TV with a remote control...
...but He bears it and still loves us...
...not as a lofty king on high but as the artist loves his art...
...His art is a part of Him, and He a part of it...

When you look around you see both how far away we are from Him...
...but also how far we have come.

We are good and imperfect at the same time...

So the trick is not to focus on a glorious task that will "win" us heavenly reward... The vocation is to focus on the "heart" He gave us and do what is asked with out reward... To respond as the paintbrush, paint and canvas respond... quiet simple compliance.

Help me be paint to the painter.

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