Friday, March 24, 2006

Which God?

At the pinacle of all doctrine and law, for my as Catholic, are the two greatest commandments. Love God above all and your neighbor as yourself. The God of my heart, that calls me to work his will, gives me directions that fit this ideal. The voice that calls me to fear, to guard against, to isolate from, is not of God. God calls us to unity, period. This is demonstrable at every level of society from two friends on the phone to the United Nations.

I may not agree with everyone on the planet, but I do attempt to understand their point of view... This doesn't mean I write a script in my head to portray them however I feel like. I observe, think, and attempt to see the world as others see it. I fail, as anyone will becuase we cannot forget our own experience, but making the attempt is important.

Everything that is happening in the world today stems from an inability of people trying to see others views. That and everyone has to be "right" or "righteous". The only way in the world I can be truly "right" is for now one else to exist in this world, or be able to experience the world as God does.

Before we try to figure out which world religion has the right set of doctrine or beliefs why don't we try to realize those first to commandments... since most religons can agree to them.

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