Thursday, February 23, 2006

Clemency for the Wicked

Jas 5:1-6 - Ps 49:14-15ab, 15cd-16, 17-18, 19-20 - Mk 9:41-50

God is very specific and very harsh. When it comes to transgression against Himself, God seems to be more lenient then He is with those who causes the weak to stray and the persecutes the defenseless. Beware though, today the Trinity warns against storing up treasure on Earth. For those who see themselves as weak, must be careful when they see those who were enemies made to suffer.

Suffering in the context of Earth is an Earthly treasure! Who is it that makes your enemies to suffer? Not the loving and merciful Lord of Hosts who gives all men and women every opportunity in this life to repent of their ways. It is the work of the enemy that makes people to suffer for remember always that we are all Christ's on this Earth. After this life there is room to be separate, but while here it cannot be so.

The work of the enemy is always apparent in suffering with one exception. When God wills to work a conversion of heart, and the once wicked truly sees the works they have wrought it does hurt. It is the hurt of healing... It is the pain of cleansing an infection... Not the wailing of despair.

So be weary those who are persecuted! As Christ says better to pluck out your eye and be blind rather then be tempted to revel in seeing the misery of another. Better to be deaf then to hear the wailing of your earthly enemies in suffer and become pridefull that God has justified you. God justifies by love and compassion... Not fire and death. God heals the heart of the earthly enemies so that that might be called in union together with Him.

Pray for your enemies and do good to those who hurt you... Especially if you see that they are getting what you feel they deserve. Lighten their burdens... Console them through their pain... And then maybe God will see you poor in spirit, and maybe then might we begin to earn. Even in the tiniest degree all that the Father has allotted to us.

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